Dynamic Software Development Limited - Customers
A.Registered Client List

(Certified by Accountant)

-In alphabetical order

C.Registered Client List

(Not Certified by Accountant)

Dynamic Accounting System - Registered Client List

Most clients of the company are small and medium sized companies. Clients are distributed in Hong Kong, mainland China, Macau, Taiwan, and in a number of countries including Japan, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, England, Holland, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria , Philippines , Singapore, Spain, Thailand, U.S.A. and Vietnam.

As at 31 December 2007, no. of clients using standard version of Dynamic Accounting System excluding clients of standalone versions is 3,010.

The figure is certified by Lui Siu Tang & Company. Hong Kong (Accountant's Report). The criteria of the clients are as follows:

- Clients using more than one module are counted once only.
- Clients using the software in more than one shop/location are counted once only.
- Clients using the multi-company function to work on more than one company are counted once only.
- Clients purchasing upgrade versions are not double counted.
- Clients using free copies are not counted. 
- Clients of standalone series of products are not counted