名稱 |
The Architectural Practice Limited (偉華建築師有限公司) |
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (東京三菱銀行) |
The Best Meat & Seafood Limited (佳朗肉食海產有限公司) |
The Candle Company Limited |
The Card People Limited (錦廊賀咭有限公司) |
The Chinese History & Culture (中華青少年歷文化教育基金) |
The Chinese Rhenish Church HK Synod (中華基督教禮賢會香港區會) |
The Craft Shop Ltd (繽紛廊有限公司) |
The Dharmasthiti Buddhist Institute Ltd (佛教法住學會) |
The Emperor (Happy Valley) Hotel (英皇駿景酒店) |
The Everlasting Emporium Limited (永恆百貨有限公司) |
The Film Factory Limited |
The First Travel Limited |
The Fleming Limited (芬名酒店) |
The Girls' Brigade (Hong Kong) (香港基督教女少年軍) |
The Grande Systems (HK) Limited |
The HK Assn of Accounting Technicians (香港專業會計師公會) |
The HK Construction Association Ltd |
The HomeCare Medical Limited (康家醫遼有限公司) |
The Hong Kong Channel Limited |
The Hong Kong Health Care Centre Limited (香港保健中心有限公司) |
The Hong Kong Institute of Education (香港教育學院) |
The Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corp Ltd (香港平民屋宇有限公司) |
The Hong Kong Society For The Aged (香港耆康老人福利會) |
The Incorporated Owners of Belvedere Grd (麗城花園第二期業主立案法團) |
The Incorporated Owners of Braemar Hill (賽西湖大廈業主立案法團) |
The Independent Schools Foundation Ltd. (智立教育基金) |
The Lingerie Cafe (女人香) |
The Look Co. |
The Media Evangelism Limited (影音使團有限公司) |