縱橫軟件發展有限公司 Accounting POS Wholesales System - 註冊客戶名單
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The Architectural Practice Limited (偉華建築師有限公司)
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (東京三菱銀行)
The Best Meat & Seafood Limited (佳朗肉食海產有限公司)
The Candle Company Limited
The Card People Limited (錦廊賀咭有限公司)
The Chinese History & Culture (中華青少年歷文化教育基金)
The Chinese Rhenish Church HK Synod (中華基督教禮賢會香港區會)
The Craft Shop Ltd (繽紛廊有限公司)
The Dharmasthiti Buddhist Institute Ltd (佛教法住學會)
The Emperor (Happy Valley) Hotel (英皇駿景酒店)
The Everlasting Emporium Limited (永恆百貨有限公司)
The Film Factory Limited
The First Travel Limited
The Fleming Limited (芬名酒店)
The Girls' Brigade (Hong Kong) (香港基督教女少年軍)
The Grande Systems (HK) Limited
The HK Assn of Accounting Technicians (香港專業會計師公會)
The HK Construction Association Ltd
The HomeCare Medical Limited (康家醫遼有限公司)
The Hong Kong Channel Limited
The Hong Kong Health Care Centre Limited (香港保健中心有限公司)
The Hong Kong Institute of Education (香港教育學院)
The Hong Kong Settlers Housing Corp Ltd (香港平民屋宇有限公司)
The Hong Kong Society For The Aged (香港耆康老人福利會)
The Incorporated Owners of Belvedere Grd (麗城花園第二期業主立案法團)
The Incorporated Owners of Braemar Hill (賽西湖大廈業主立案法團)
The Independent Schools Foundation Ltd. (智立教育基金)
The Lingerie Cafe (女人香)
The Look Co.
The Media Evangelism Limited (影音使團有限公司)